There are, I believe, three different “levels” or “forms” of “truths” that exist out there. What’s that, you say? There is only one truth? Well, certainly there is ultimately only that which is true and that which is falsehood, with perception at times resulting in differing results and error. So why three? Well, because there is truth in common knowledge, truth in data, and truth in the sacred. And on a surface level, these things are not separated, all is one in our universe. But in this fractured world, they are.

We pervert the common knowledge, we distort the data, we defile the sacred. What is the result of our sin against truth? Well, the truth ends up splitting into mutually exclusive sections, each guided by its own rules.

First, we have the common knowledge, the basic “truth.” We know basic things, we know things can add up when we put them together, we know that x plus y basic stimulus causes z to happen, we know if we take a step forward and put our foot down that we’re a stride further ahead, etc. As our technology and abilities grow, these truths are freely upgradeable. We know that humans can’t fly, humans discover flight, humans are now capable of flight. Humans aren’t a spacefaring species, but that’s simply because that isn’t true of us yet.

Within this sphere, we are free to be correct. Common knowledge will accept new information as it is taken in. No one’s got a nest egg riding on what you’ve changed by altering the perception and thus more accurately focusing on the truth. At least, not generally. As such, the only thing that is required for such common knowledge to be disseminated is for it to prove truthful to each person adopting it.

On the level above that we have the truth within data. This is a more specific form of truth, down to much more specific interpretations. It is harder to simply know as it often requires instruments, measurements, and observations to be collected. This requires time and effort, and time and effort generate industry. Industry generates inevitable problems, because data-driven “truth” is a commodity. Now that it’s an item up for sale, this “truth” is only as “true” as the information being processed is reliable. The more hands in the pie, the more potential money to be made, the greater the potential for corruption.

Now, you can still be proven right and override an incorrect data “truth” that’s been driven by an industry. It is not a sin, it is simply a struggle. Sure, you’ll run into industry shills, much distorted data and plenty of pushback, but in the end, you are not deemed foul and detestable, or a worse person for doing this, simply a stubborn dissenter. If you’re wrong, it’s okay, science moves on that way. If you’re right, then science moves on as you direct it. In this way, honest players can at times dismantle small rackets with some time, effort and expense.

Finally, we have the sacred truths. These are the divine truths that we are not permitted to question. In a more religious society, these would be beliefs of dogma, but in our overly connected, secularized world, they become things that fundamentally define people. Certain things just HAVE to be true, or else unpleasant realities will come to pass. These realities are painful. So painful, that people will irrationally lash at you for challenging these.

Sacred truths vary for different people, as everyone attaches themselves to something different for stability. A certain mythos holds a people together, keeps them united, keeps them on track for inevitable victory in their righteous cause. At least, they think so. And you’d best not tell them different.

In this case, challenging these, even if they are utterly absurd, is indeed a sin. It is a sin against the secular deities they have surrounded themselves with to simplify our complex reality. Rest assured, you are a heretic for questioning it, and should you persist, you will indeed be cast out. Depending on how pervasive the “sacred truth” is, this shunning can be quite devastating to someone daring to challenge it. You could lose, well, the potential for loss is infinite. People are vicious at defending sacred truths. Often, they are scarcely conscious they are doing so. It can be quite frightening, the automatic rage you see provoked.

As our world both fractures and advances in technology, the categories have slowly bled downward. Common knowledge, freely exchangeable, shrinks as we advance. There’s less we can know just from some quick observation and a bit of learning, and far more that requires specialization, instrumentation and observation. So the knowledge of data grows, but even it does not remain where it is, for as we move further away from our spiritual nature, the “truths” of this data begin themselves morphing into sacred truths. Industries become priesthoods, competition becomes a sin, and innovation becomes heresy. And the process only continues onward as more and enters the realm of “sacred truth,” the sort people attack you viciously for even lightly challenging.

You’ve certainly encountered this, for the most part all of you have. I don’t even need to name a specific issue, a specific topic. You’re already thinking of one, likely several. Well, this is only going to worsen until it’s reversed. Being afraid to challenge the “sacred truth” and shrinking away won’t save you, it’ll only ensure you retreat into another “sacred truth” soon after. Will you accept every lie forever, simply to get along?

I personally cannot. Lies distort reality, as does our new method truth by consensus. So be the sinner, challenge the sacred truth. Only by destroying it can actual truth be revealed. The distortion doesn’t make the lie truth, it only makes the lie more foul and detestable. And no lie is worth serving, it can only keep you from the divine. So in the end, the only way to a pure soul is to pursue the truth in spite of the accusations of heresy. Those accusing you are far from pure anyway.