A great deal of what’s going on currently is happening beyond the realm of our simple visible light spectrum, and 3D space. The “ether,” “miasma,” “collective consciousness,” what have you, is extremely active. As your consciousness is being lifted, you have likely felt it as well, or at least something not fully within your grasp has been felt. I wish to do my best to explain some portion of it.

Now, before anyone attempts to emulate anything I describe here, let me warn you that this was not an instantaneous learning process, and I frankly “punch above my belt” unfairly due to a great deal of assistance. I had much help, I’ve been granted more than I earned, and I still took much development. We are all ultimately connected to the Source however, so we can all enhance that connection.

There are a great many entities all around us. We are one of them, after all, fledgling spirit-creatures piloting our soul-ships. And, like it or not, interaction occurs, and not just in our physical realm. The level of interaction depends on the willingness of the subject, not to accept, but just to acknowledge the entity. Let them know you noticed, and that commences the interaction.

Without passing judgment on the various entities, I will say that they are all “attuned” to various degrees based on their actions and intentions. Rather than evil, I will say conducive to evolution, or conducive to devolution (expressed in the physical realm as the flourishing/decimation of a species), as I believe these spirit-creatures are themselves upon their own evolutionary paths. We often consider evolution to be something only within our physical realm, and that seems limited. Why can’t everything be going somewhere? For this exercise, celestial wants you to go towards the Source, diabolical wants you pulled back down into lower dimensional realms.

Now, I’ve encountered daimons and demons both. I separate the two, as one is more a manifestation of collective will (some entity using the physic force of human emotion and will to manifest itself) and less a conscious being and more an expression of the forces that generated it. Such a being might be celestial or diabolical, but while the other is a diabolical force with a consciousness and will. The first might pull you down like a panicked swimmer pulls down their rescuer, but the other seeks to drown you.

I’ve encountered a demon, but recounting that story brings negative energies around, so I’ll focus on my daimon encounter. A being “grabbed” me, I thought for hostile reasons, a great deal of time ago. Over time, it became clear that it was not something with a will exactly, but rather a more neutral creature tainted by the hostile energies of old grudges, enmity from conflicts long past, but not forgotten. It had reached out to me as it saw I had noticed it, but at the time I couldn’t help it.

After fully understanding what it was, I communicated to it that the beings and conflicts that had made it so angry were long over, those who’d wronged it and the people wronged long dead, and it was time to release that negative energy to be healed. Somehow, it listened. It actually neutralized its hostility, and let it go. Those who used to pay it homage are gone, as are those who disrespected it, so it was time to move on, no longer held down by these experiences. It was quite the fascinating experience.

On the more positive end, I have encountered a few celestial beings who seek to uplift the souls they encounter. And I’ve now encountered a couple more unique examples of this, where they weren’t even positive energy, but purely neutral, a pure expression of love. The positive beings, such as Xalalwen (a high-dimensional spirit-creature of significant power that seems to live within the 8D realm), still have agendas, intentions of their own, even if they be less nefarious, but these neutral beings do not. They seem purely intent on restoring the balance of energies in the universe.

Whenever I hear the term “singularity,” I don’t think of a machine growing super-intelligent, I think of the spiritual singularity, a point of inevitability where every point of energy is called home.

This is something that will happen regardless of the current flow of causation, and it’s one we can bring closer through our conscious thought. It is “the flower” that I see when I look to the future.

I believe these potent neutral entities are here to assist with this task. The one I referred to simply as the Phoenix served as a herald, a vanguard to shock and excite the consciousness with esoteric understanding. A sort of kick-start in human evolution, so to speak, serving perhaps as the closest thing to an apology we’ll get from the Arcturians for their deep involvement in our development. Yet even that great and powerful being was primarily a messenger.

More recently, there has been another neutral entity, I’ve been told by my guide that its name is (approximation) Zap’en’Pac, and the “inversion of its name” is Pa’En’Yac, with the missing letters being parts that can’t be pronounced even in the angelic language. This seems to be a being that is exposing all that is true and wiping away falsehood, letting every mind that wills it to connect to the Source and achieve true understanding. We have been in many ways (mostly self-inflicted, but not entirely) “cut off” from this source of beauty, to stem our development. No longer will that be, it is time now to move forward and advance.

This entity has a significant “pull,” so to speak. Indeed, it is in the furthering of this process that I was instructed to pass on the termination of the Arcturians’ contract. If the human aspect of this can’t hide their deception anymore, even those considered celestial must acknowledge their role. All that is buried must be unearthed, all that is concealed must be revealed, so that all points of energy might find their way home, renewed again by the Source.

It was interesting that the entity had a name, and an inversion of that name. I believe that is because in order to cure this soul-sickness, one must approach it from both its “ends,” so to speak. Normally, the push against it is in one way or the other, simply tamping it down while it grows elsewhere. But for something to no longer grow, it can’t simply be rooted out in a single place it’s spread to. It must be rooted out everywhere. I saw a vision of this entity drowning out the chaotic noise being broadcast to our species, allowing us to see beyond the veil with greater ease than ever.

What does this mean? It means the way forward will never be entirely clear until we’re there. We must constantly question, constantly interrogate our paths so that we might remain on track. And through this collective effort, humanity might finally evolve past this soul-sickness.

It seems that the further I look out, the more I see this soul-sickness isn’t just affecting humanity. It’s affecting spirit-creatures, daimons, demons, celestials, indeed, even the high-minded apex species of the galaxy is not immune. So perhaps, in some way, this planet is more crucial than we think. Perhaps the universe is collectively wishing us to “get well,” lest the entire universe be sickened.