When I look into the future, I see a bright and beautiful flower. An immaculate expression of life, utterly divine in both its meaninglessness and significance. It exists for no other reason than because it can exist.

How can I view the future in such a way, you might ask? All you see on the horizon is despair, disaster, lost hope. It certainly doesn’t look like roses out there. Well, it’s quite simple: all of this is unnatural. It is artificial, and artificial things simply cannot exist forever, or even persist for long periods without being refreshed and reinvigorated. So ultimately, this bubble of chaos and control we find ourselves in simply cannot persist, and will never be more than temporary. The infinite dystopia simply cannot exist. That is not to say things cannot get quite bad, but ultimately every system of control carries within itself the seeds of its own destruction. That’s why the manipulation always requires a new idea to keep it going.

What is natural requires no effort. A river requires no effort to flow, an eclipse doesn’t need to strive to succeed. The river flows until it doesn’t, the eclipse occurs until it’s gone. So much of what we are causing to occur simply wouldn’t happen without the effort put forth to make it happen.

Some days, the flower is further away. Other days, it draws closer. But it remains forever out there, awaiting our approach. And we can go there as soon as we decide as a whole that we wish to be there. It could happen today. It could have happened already. We decided we didn’t want it. Many likely didn’t realize they had.

The spiritual tone put forth by us tends to persist and create more of itself. See everything as bleak and gloomy? Perhaps you want that, perhaps you’ll get more. A drive into disaster tends to gather momentum. And apathy simply means those more involved will push you down the hill if you refuse to slide.

Yet that flower remains out there. Would you like it to be here, in the now? Then perhaps we need to start trying to get it there. No one needs to stand up and make some drastic change, rather everyone must experience a shift in their thought. Even a few scant years ago, I would have presumed such a shift impossible, a bridging of a spiritual gap in our evolution that seemed poised to devour us. Now, the flower seems closer, brighter and more real than ever. And it will continue to draw closer, the more people that see it.

Humans aren’t doomed to remain like this, but we need to live through being like this. We can do it. We must believe, and we must do as though we truly believe.