A blessed greeting to you!

What this site is

When I look into the future, I see a flower, big and beautiful.  Always have, always will.  By that, I mean greater harmony, more peace, more love, more joyful ends to more souls’ stories.  Want to see it too?  So much lies in our perceptions, and so much perception lies.  Much discernment is necessary, and all must be tested.

I put off creating this for so long.  So long did i sit, silent, static, fearing both failure and success in equal measure, unwilling to reach out and even attempt to do my part in improving existence.  Well, today I shake off that complacency, stir my soul’s fervor, and do my best to do something.  I’ve been given a message to deliver, and deliver it I must.  This site will continue to grow, along with my attempts to understand the truly vast sea of potentiality that I exist within.  Check back, I will be updating frequently.

Since clearing the updates erased the announcement talking about the Arcturians’ message, here is the message in short (further elaboration is in the essay):

  1. The contract has been broken.
  2. A viable specimen has failed to be rendered.
  3. We withdraw our support.

09/07/2024:  Put up another short essay detailing the three different forms of “truth” that exist and how they’ve been distorted and twisted by our soul-sick world.